Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Sometimes we don't acknowledge the simple ideas because they are that--the basic facts that comprise our life like a table of contents that we skim and rarely reference. The other day I had one of those thoughts. When the idea first came to mind I was anxious about following it to see where it would lead and what new ideas it would uncover. And then it struck me with its simplicity--I realized how plain it was, how basic. It was the idea that every action we take is the reaction of opposites. You work so you won't be poor, eat so you won't be hungry, read so your mind won't be blank, go so you don't stay, and on and on. Does our living always come from a place of doing something to prevent the opposite from coming true? Even if we don't consciously choose to take action to avoid a certain state, everything can be traced back to that truth. Everything is done in the name of something else. Of course! So my thought wasn't as profound as I initially felt it would be, but that's okay. Sometimes recognizing things so basic they are often overlooked helps us appreciate our potential and to see the quiet beauty in our lives. We do amazing things every day and we don't even know it. It's always there, just as the dew catches each blade of grass every morning, or the way spiders weave intricate webs out of necessity and we stand back and see a kind of art. Things don't have to be profound to be interesting.

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