Thursday, August 29, 2013

Don't Force It

I didn't post anything yesterday because I honestly couldn't think of anything interesting I wanted to say. There are a lot of situations in life where the maxim "fake it till you make it" holds true, but writing isn't one of them. I don't like to force it--I prefer for it to come organically. And sometimes your heart and mind just need a day off. I remember reading an article in UTNE reader some years ago where one of the contributors was talking about recovering from back surgery, how it was fine once they truly gave in to just laying low. They spent a whole summer lounging for hours in the backyard reading books and just being; accepting the pain they were in they learned the value of stillness. I think about that on days where I find myself wanting to do nothing. It's a reminder to me that it's okay to do, that I should embrace nothingness while I can because it's not afforded all the time or to everyone. I'm pretty good at lounging and listening and watching a small patch of the world for a good stitch of time. And for as much as I like to explain myself and to carry on conversation I'm also really good at silence. When I feel silence in me like I did yesterday I go with it with the knowledge that that is what's supposed to be and it can only mean that I'll have a whole lot of thoughts to write about. This blog is my retreat. So if there are days where it seems like more of a chore than some fine thing I will refrain. That's better for everyone because who wants to read words that are forced, detached from heart.

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