We had an early start to contacting the Halloween spirit.
Fisher has taken it upon himself to decorate the house every single day. Last night he told me it would be funny if he kept adding decorations all year long.
Here's another one of his random artistic expressions--a cut-out pumpkin tied to a string and taped to the wall. I'm not even sure how he reached that high to tape it. I'm not sure I want to know.
More of his work that he designs, cuts, and tapes up for display all over the house. This is one of my favorites (a monster).
Unicorn and Bigfoot.
Charging through the neighborhood shouting "candy!"
I wore Phoenix's rocker wig from last year. I'm saving my other costume for tonight!
We met up with the neighbor kids and walked for a time with them, until Fisher and Quinn kept fighting over who got to tell their joke first so we had to split them up.
Their favorite house.
Heading home with a ridiculous amount of treats. See those red lips? I rarely wear makeup but I picked up some lipstick a few days ago and decided to wear it every day just because. It's nice to change it up now and then.