Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I've missed this. I've missed waking up at 4 a.m. and starting my days with a good coffee and a long train of thought. The quiet world all to myself before it blazes awake. I feel I am barely keeping my head above water and the longer you keep from doing something the easier it is to keep from doing it. I listed my house for sale by owner 3 weeks ago. The next day I was contacted by my old work asking if I would help out with a project and if I could put in 40 hour weeks. The day after that someone contacted me with interest in the house. It sold in less than a week. Meanwhile I spent every spare moment working. And every other spare moment going back and forth to spend time with Matt. Last week was our 6 month anniversary--it seems we just met yet at the same time it feels like we've known each other forever. We have big dreams, and these dreams start with getting a house together. I'm talking urban farming. Chickens. Goats. Orchard. Grapevines. A tree house for the kids. We put in an offer on a house with 2 acres a while back and we are still unsure of the closing date. It was supposed to be last week, but the absentee sellers have not made it easy, have not done anything to facilitate the sell, have been impossible to get in touch with. Our own realtors said they have never had an experience like this before--it's been that frustrating. So we keep our heads down and forge ahead, waiting for something to happen. I keep telling Matt this--life changing things happen overnight. One of these days it will finally happen, it's just this interim of wait has us feeling detached from the quiet inside each day and also quite anxious. Come on already! If you have the notion, we'd sure appreciate some positive prayers/vibes/energy sent our way--that our future becomes a solid thing. And I can get my brain back to doing what it wants to do--writing.

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