Fisher Solomon Lord was born 5 years ago today. 5 minutes after walking into the hospital in the early stages of labor, all the nurses and doctors on the floor were in my room as his heart rate was dropping to the 20s and 30s in between contractions. The only time they had seen stats like that was when a mother had fallen and torn her placenta. 10 minutes later I was being wheeled to the OR for an emergency c-section...they found nothing wrong with him or me. Turns out he had an uncommonly low resting heart rate, which is no surprise to me as he has shown himself to be gentle at heart. For all his truck bashing, bigfoot hollering, grinch reenacting loudness, he's still the boy that likes to lie under the sun and think, to cuddle, to sit quietly for hours making art, to express his love for those around him. We celebrated yesterday with a party at a park. Unfortunately I had come down with strep throat on Saturday (thus the reason for no blog posts this weekend--I was totally out of commission with fever, chills, exploding ears and the feel of swallowing shards of glass). But there was no way I was going to cancel his party--I just received a lot of help.

This happened 5 years ago today...
His one birthday request is always a pinata.
Because I was sick it was the first time I wasn't able to make his cake. Had to resort to store bought, to which his Papa added a bigfoot.
I surprised him this morning with paper streamers to bust through to mark the threshold of a new year!
Perfect gift--bigfoot and bacon T.
This was taken a few months ago, but it tells the story of who Fisher is at this stage of his life--this boy spends hours and days making bird nests. He's always the first to spot nests when we're out and about and he's constantly picking up scraps and straw and berries and flowers to construct them. Love you buddy!
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