I tend to read nonfiction books more slowly, so I'm still savoring the book Super Brain. Plus I've been reading a couple of fiction books on the side. And then there's poetry... But this morning I came back to the brain book and was hooked by these words:
"Whatever you pay attention to grows."
"The brain isn't daunted by endless tasks. The more you ask it to do, the more it can do. Your brain is capable of making a quadrillion (one million billion) synapses. Each is like a microscopic telephone, reaching any other telephone on the line as often as it wants."
The 3 heroes of super brain are Einstein, newborns, and the Buddha:
"Einstein used his brain in a way that any person can learn. The key is adaptability...Three strengths [for adapting] are letting go, being flexible, and hanging loose."
"If you want to return to the natural state of health and well-being, be like a newborn baby." [newborns are masters at integrating feedback]. "Remain open to as much input as possible; Don't shut down the feedback loop with judgment, rigid beliefs, and prejudices; Work on psychological blocks like shame and guilt--they falsely color your reality; Harbor no secrets--they create dark places in your psyche; Be willing to redefine yourself every day; Don't regret the past or fear the future."
"If you want to achieve inner growth, be more like the Buddha in your approach to consciousness. Expand your awareness and look beyond the walls [the ego and the pleasures and possessions of consumer society] set up in the mind." Crave meaning, which comes from within. "The greatest spiritual guides exemplify three strengths: evolving, expanding, being inspired."
So my conclusion for today's reading--don't allow yourself to get stuck! Adaptability, integration, and living for meaning are key in keeping us unstuck.
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