Monday, January 19, 2015

Making Space

Over Christmas I met up with my friend Tana who was back in town from New York City to visit family. There are words people will say that you take into your heart and hold onto, lines that stick to your ribs. One such line that stayed with me during our time was in regards to the intensity of Tana's adopted city--how the energy is so all-encompassing that sometimes when she gets home to her apartment she can "feel the city in [her] joints" and it is hard to decompress. Here in Des Moines I live on a small acreage of hills and trees. And yet even on this tract of wild where deer cross and critters crawl and poison ivy grows thick as tree limbs, you can hear the steady thrum of cars on the interstate. Sometimes I wish for a long stretch of quiet, to hear nothing but wind. But I've realized lately that to truly be at peace is to let go of the sense that space can ever be boxed in and kept, that it can ever truly be controlled, that it is ever ours alone. So we must have a heart that is fluid and without edge. Because nothing in this world in untouched--wherever you go you are faced with the comings and goings and markings of weather and animals and people and bugs. Swarms of mosquitos on your get-away camping trip, the long lines at the DMV, winter storms that squelch your road trip, the cacophony of voices--even now the kids are awake and have said "hey mom" a hundred times. Nothing is untouched--it lives, it all lives. To be free is to be and let be.

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