Monday, March 24, 2014

Some Long Days

Yeah, it's been a few weeks since I've posted anything here. In those few weeks I've been sick, working every spare moment I have every single day scoring SAT essays, caring for the kids, the dog, the fish, the house (which I'm trying to get ready to sell). I've tasted spring and then winter and spring and then winter again. I've gotten one step closer to getting a new house. Essentially I have not had the balance my mind needs in order to write. And who wants to read about all the things I have going on that are making me feel exhausted? This isn't a space for complaining--it's a space for questioning and discovering and striving, a place to make something beautiful known, to be thoughtful. And life isn't always easy and even flowing. There are times that become way off balance and your only goal is to keep on and wait for the hectic to subside. Sometimes you just have to keep your head down and pluck away, have to hold your breath and follow through. Because there is always a point at which it evens out again. Despite the feeling that I haven't been able to relax, to just breathe, every day I am grateful. It is that gratefulness that makes it easier to get through those long days. Whenever I'm stressed I just think this--it means I'm alive. Who can complain about that, really?

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