Thursday, November 20, 2014

Every 7 Minutes

More and more I have noticed how connected our energies are on a mass scale. Countless times while standing in a check out line at a store I look around and it's as if every customer in the store is ready to check out at the same time. Inevitably someone will remark how they need more check out lanes open, more workers working, and generally flummoxed as to why they can't be more prepared for customers. But the thing is, we come in waves. If we'd been there 5 minutes prior, we might have been the only one in line. But we didn't. We move in droves en mass. I can't help but think this phenomenon is animalistic, akin to watching a herd of animals storm an open field. We move together. When we see one person making a move, it sparks a chain reaction. Imagine what that can mean. Though we strive and push our individuality, the fact is we are still very much connected. Even in our silence we are one--there's that Harvard study that concluded there is a lull every 7 minutes in our conversations with one another. Some believe this is the result of being hardwired from our ancient hunter/gathering days as people would pause every now and then to check for predators. I've been tired ever since daylight saving time ended. A lot of people around me seem to be run down lately as well. I wonder if that too--the energy we have for making it through our days--is connected and affected and felt en mass. Imagine what that can mean.

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