Saturday, September 14, 2013


I was just sitting here looking out the living room window and saw a fox running down the middle of the street. It stopped and looked at my house for a beat, and then ran off. What is it with me and foxes?

My neighbor, George, told me this story recently--when he was in college in Wisconsin he made friends with a guy named Gary. Gary's biggest dream in life was to be a rockstar. In fact he was the drummer in a little band called The Eagles for a time. Uncertain of where it would lead and wanting to follow a sure thing he left the band and went to law school. Shortly after he left, The Eagles played at Disneyland, a show that made them famous and is considered the point where it all began. Can you imagine Gary, waking up every morning and putting on his suit and tie to go about his lawyerly business, knowing that he could have lived the rockstar life he wanted had he kept on with The Eagles? Does he regret it everyday? Or has the course of his life created by the decision brought him something even greater? One will never know, but if that isn't a lesson that one should follow their dreams then nothing else will prove it.

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