Saturday, May 18, 2013

Here's the start

This morning I was struck with the thought: perhaps the greatest mystery of life is ourselves. Life is a shared experience and what one does affects the rest in some way so it stands to reason that our self is not only something inside of us but the affect we have on the world. Everyone we meet takes away a certain impression of who we are - accurate or not, it doesn't matter - we become their perception and they become ours. All these pieces of us scattered like crumbs on a counter top. How could one ever put them all together to see the whole? And we can't control the ego and experience that have led others into their way of thinking. It is enchanting to think of the picture we must create from afar - like our grasp on life is just one square inch of a much larger canvas. We are like a pointillist painting - so many dots, but when seen from far back the picture is clear. We are a mystery to ourselves. The only thing we can do is to speak our truth and keep our hearts soft amid every encounter.

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