Monday, August 12, 2013

On Fickleness

I put a lot of stock in words, believing people should say what they mean and mean what they say. For all of the interesting people I've met of late I've also been struck with this fact--not everyone gives the same value to words. I know not to expect or desire for others to have the same values, but something like the words you say should hold some weight for everyone shouldn't it? If I tell someone I'm going to do something I do it (though I am admittedly more lax when it comes to telling myself I'll do something). It seems pretty basic though, but I've been surprised to discover that not everyone does this. And I feel like an old curmudgeon for even writing this, but it's been my experience that a lot of people don't hold true to their word and so I can't help but think of the term fickle to ascribe to them. I'm tempted to think it's a generational phenomenon, but a friend with some fewer years than I told me she's had the same thoughts as well. It seems she's always the one inviting and often they aren't reciprocated. So if not age then perhaps there's been a lot of empty promises in several childhoods. And so I appeal to everyone--let's be real with one another.

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