Monday, November 25, 2013

Sending Vibes

You know how when you sometimes hear a certain idea or phrase and all of a sudden it seems to crop up in conversation with strange frequency? The phrase for me lately is that all life is a transfer of energy. It's true for everything from car engines to plants and animals to people. Think of how the moods of others can affect your own mood. So even our moods have an energy to them. I feel like this idea kept appearing in my life because there was something I hadn't seen, something I needed to learn. I just discovered it. I recently had a new friend in my life who had a lot of great qualities, but they were also very guarded. They didn't start out that way--it was an easy, comfortable, and reciprocal friendship to start. But suddenly they withdrew out of self-described caution. It's interesting how you can pull back layers upon layers of various reactions to reveal one word. In this case--doubt. Because at the root of a guarded spirit is doubt. And it was doubtful energy that was transferred to me--I see that now. I had been driven to frustration, found myself thinking and questioning too much. But now it is clear why that phrase of transferring energy kept appearing in my life...I had absorbed the energy of doubt and I wasn't aware that is what had been causing my frustration. But now having acknowledged this fact, I've let the doubt go. And that's all it takes to remove the things that block us--acknowledge them and then release them. And then be mindful not to cloud your awareness so you won't become stuck again. Hey...people don't call me a hippie for nothing.

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