Sunday, July 7, 2013

A Weekend in Pictures

I feel like I've been chewed up and spit out in what was one of the best weekends I've had in a long time. I spent all weekend downtown in lovely Des Moines, IA at the 80/35 music festival. I was there for all 18 hours of it and then some. I caught so many great shows (Gloom Balloon, Yeasayers, HD Harmsen, David Byrne & St Vincent, and the Pines among my favorites), I danced till my legs throbbed and my clothes clung with sweat, scored an all access pass and watched the Wu Tang Clan from backstage, and I hung out with and met a lot of really great people. I love all the random connections and conversations made at events like this, where everyone is happy and grateful. So many stories, but for now I'll just detail it with pictures...
 I brought the kids for a few hours both days because I think live music is good exposure for youngins. Phoenix and I rocked it while Fisher sat nearby with his tattoo mustache and sucking his thumb like a pro.
 Hung with these fine folks for most of Friday, before getting split up and finding some other friends...
 Me and Shelby at the Wavves show--and that tall guy in the back with the big smile is a buddy of mine from high school who I run into once a year at 80/35. (Joe, or Deez as he used to be known)
 Spent Saturday evening with these lovely ladies--they're all so damn sweet and fun!
 Checking out the view from the stage during Wu-Tang Clan. Apparently they were an hour late but I wasn't aware.
 Giving it up!
 More stage action. They were super friendly guys.
After Wu-Tang I met some new friends and speed walked with them to the Vaudeville Mews to check out the Poison Control Center after party show. Of course on the way we passed some guy walking with a tree. Typical. PCC killed their set and sent me off in their flurry to crash. 

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