Sunday, October 27, 2013

How Are You Doing?

So far today three friends have asked--how are you doing? It's a question I've been asked a lot of late and not for the purpose of filling conversation, but with genuine purpose and wonder. Given the circumstances of my life right now, given the fact that huge changes are underway and the life I knew has shifted I suppose people expect to hear me answer a certain way--one peppered with sadness and the vision of me with my hands in the air in a grand gesture of how and why. But my answer is I'm well. I am utterly peaceful, forever optimistic, and truly thankful for the wisdom of experience. I'm awake. I'm not sitting back avoiding or forgetting, but rather forging and devouring and creating. So much of our personality lies dormant, only rising to the surface out of necessity and in small doses. But I feel completely tuned in to my spirit these days and it is light and searching and strong. I'll be fine no matter what. No matter the mood of the hour I remain unfazed. I live by that Einstein quote that I've written about in a previous post--the one that poses "the single most important decision any of us will ever make is whether to believe the universe is friendly." I think you know my decision--so there is only gaining. How could I not be well?

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