Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Wanting Less

Forget spring cleaning--fall is my time to clear things out. There's something about the bite in the air and the leaves cascading that makes me desire clean and simple. Maybe it's the clutter cast by fallen things outside, so inside I want it to be bare, I want to own less. The only things I care to have a lot of are books and music--add a stocked pantry--the rest can go. So I'm in pitching mode and it's a good thing I don't feel attached to stuff. Things are distractions to me, and I'd rather there be room in my mind for observing action and nature and space. To watch the organic side of life unfold. I just watched the movie Zero Dark Thirty and there's a scene where the military is torturing a Bin Laden supporter by forcing him to listen to loud, distorted heavy metal music--a clutter of sound. One can scarcely get a thought or deep breath in when surrounded by stuff. Can you tell I'm serious about this? And how ridiculous, how lucky am I to sit here and bitch about wanting to own less when there are so many people living in poverty, in shacks, in the open air. I don't lack gratitude. And on the other end of the spectrum are those who have a lot and think everyone should and do aspire and desire what they have. You know the type. I'm sure it stems from the fact that people seek like-mindedness, that people want others to think like them and in that they find security. Wow, how did I get here to this idea when all I was doing was writing about clearing out the house? How about this--you go your way and I'll go mine. Do and be confident in what your heart desires--looking inward is enough.

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