Saturday, October 19, 2013

Work Is Never Done

This has been the epitome of my week--every time I mop the floors, the dog finds a way of tracking dirt all over my intention. I've had to clean up his prints once or twice or more a day every single day, so frequently that it feels like it is never complete. I long for that feeling of completion--always been drawn to work that allows me to see it--always liked hard labor and working with my hands so that I'm rewarded with tangible results. But those damn paw prints are a daily reminder that hardly anything is complete or fixed right now. For every 10 things I pick up the kids toss 50 more on the floor as if everything they get their hands on is just a speck to be taken by wind. The mail is piling, as are dishes and dust and laundry and books to read and things to think. When I lie down to rest I only think of all there is yet to do. I know this isn't an anomaly and everyone the world over is doing the exact same thing, but my point is it's been heightened this week. Buddha claims we should "be happiness itself" and maybe that's the key to my struggle for completion--instead of speeding up to try to tackle everything at once, take it slow and take it singularly and then embrace the print-free floors for the the short time that they are. And when life gets messy again, just remind myself that I'm lucky to be on this planet doing anything at all...I'll do that in a bit, but for now my son just awoke with a bloody nose and a bed that looks as if some sacrifice occurred...

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