Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Reiki Attunement

When I attended the Reiki training class on Saturday and had my body attuned to be able to perform this healing on others I was told that I would go through a 21 day cleanse as a result. As I noted earlier, all they did was spend a few minutes touching various points on my shoulders, neck, head, and hands--and I explained how I felt a pulsing during and the sensation of having my posture lined perfectly afterward. What I didn't share and what I'm discovering is that my body is going through something peculiar. Ever since I have been extremely sleepy and I can't seem to drink enough water to quench my thirst. I usually go to bed around 11 and wake up around 4 but ever since the attunement I can't keep my eyes open past 9 and I sleep long and hard until 5 or 6. I've been taking naps and taking it easy. And when I am awake my movement feels slower and more methodical, like I'm resting my body for some metamorphosis. It's been strange and amazing. I talked to Tiffany the other day to see if she was also feeling different and she recounted that she too had been feeling extra tired and even her food cravings have changed. Yesterday both of the kids took turns throwing holy tantrums about issues too mundane to even mention--this after my post on not staying angry. My reaction to their madness was utter calm. It was as if I was being tested and I feel that I passed by not mirroring their anger, by not letting it break my calm. When they were finished I told them to imagine there was a door in their chest, to picture that is was being opened and that all their anger was being let out. We cupped our hands to catch it and threw it outside. That was it.

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