Monday, June 3, 2013

A Poem for a Monday

I had a dream once that I was mostly naked and hanging out with friends like nothing was out of the ordinary. This poem was inspired by that. And thinking about those awkward, angst-prone teenagers I saw at the concert the other night, it seemed fitting to include this one for my Monday poem (and it's probably appropriate that it's my only poem that includes an f-bomb). So this goes out to them...

Blue Nude No. 1 At Breakfast

All of my friends were there
in my new studio apartment
with 30 foot ceilings and bricks
and wood floors, two fireplaces.

It was morning, I was grinding
kona coffee, toasting
pop-tarts, wearing nothing
but sea blue underwear.

And no one minded, my morning
breasts bouncing around the kitchen,
always a step ahead, as if it
happened all the time.

Often we tell ourselves to hold back,
stand straight, suck in, sound smart.
Is it any wonder loneliness reigns
and lives are mistaken?

I imagine beauty as an ice storm,
the rain’s way of saying
here I am, come see
a moment crystallized.

So what if I did unveil
the mammary orbs, the flesh,
squirt milk in coffee, no sugar please.

There is a time to stop being
say fuck it,
say it loud.

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