Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Just Think About It

In my post last Saturday I mentioned that I rarely see fireflies around any more when they seemed to abound in my youth. Since then I've chanced on seeing a handful blinking across my yard. And maybe they'd been there fluttering about all along but I had just forgotten to notice. Or maybe the universe answered my call, sent them knocking. Either way it's an intriguing phenomenon--how an idea in our mind can suddenly unfold before our eyes. How the things we notice are the result of thinking about them. You know how when you meet someone new and thereafter you run into them in various places--the grocery store, a cafe, a random sidewalk. And then it hits you that you'd probably seen them in these various places before your official meet but you didn't really notice them then because your mind didn't know them. It could be that everything we see outside of us is really the manifestation of what our minds allow, what it tells us to recognize. Our very own magic trick. What a great responsibility we have then--to know that we create the world before us every day by how we think. We are not pinballs bouncing around in some machine at the whims of some gamer--we are in control even when it doesn't seem like it for the simple fact that we always see what we want to see. And how fascinating to think of the life we can construct for ourselves because of what our minds choose. What can we do with that knowledge and that power?

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