Saturday, June 15, 2013


Last night's storm has passed, but the droplets of rain still clinging and falling from trees sounds like so many kisses when they find ground.

Delirious, reverence, tremor, shadow, cellar door--these are some of my favorite sounding words. Maybe I'll write a poem consisting entirely of the words most pleasant to our ears.

Here's an interesting fact--in Bali, they make rice offerings in little boats and place them outside their homes. And all the people that have gone to dust and back to the earth, living again on the tiny bodies of bugs in the dirt, will not harm them. The offerings prevent the critters from going inside the homes and spoiling the food stored within so the family is safe. This is what it means to worship the dead.

Someday soon I hope to travel to Scotland alone and walk the width of the country.

Our taste buds renew themselves every 10 days. Our skin renews itself on average every 27 days. It takes around 10 years for our bones to replace themselves. We are born with all the brain cells we will ever have--100 billion.

What happened to all the fireflies? They abounded in my youth and I spent so many evenings caught in the magic of catching them in jars and smearing their light on my skin. Now I scarcely see them.

I imagine the closest you can come to feeling the scent of bread would be to walk through fog.

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